FXX’s Archer is an original animated, half-hour comedy that follows Sterling Archer as he navigates the changing landscape of the spy world. Working in a small studio environments taught me so much about the flow of television productions. Archer allowed me to take my artistic ability along with good organizational skills and guide others toward an Art Director’s vision.
Illustration Director
Guiding the Archer Illustrations toward the animated finish line.
Making sure our Illustration Team have the tools and the knowledge they need to work efficiently.
While I was Illustration Director, there were great opportunities to practice The Principles of Animation with artists that may not be trained animators. It took a talented group of artists to bring Archer to life and the Illustration Team needed all of them. Each of them brought some bit of knowledge that ultimately defined the look of the animation.
The Archer Illustration Process
Photo Reference
Lots of photos are taken from various angles. The reference photo and the background are combined to see if the angle is right.
Once the right photo is chosen, there’s a quick sketch to make sure it’s model and to work out any issues.
We provide all the steps the animator might need whenever a character needs to emote.
Here are some examples of poses I’ve made during my time on the Illustration Team.
(All images property of FX Networks and Floyd CountyProductions)
“Ladyfingers/Sleepers Wake”
Robo-cat and Krieger.